Natalie Frost

Artist and Visual Art Facilitator

I am an Artist and Cultural Organiser based in Newcastle Upon Tyne.

My studio practice is concerned with profiling natural aesthetics and processes. I design structures and compositions which highlight qualities of colour, tone, structure or performance, using complimentary yet man-made materials. The work combines simple geometry and abstract minimalism with elements of product promotion and packaging design. Attempting to create affinity between the natural and man-made, I hope question the concept of sovereignty of one over the other. The work is relates to earlier pieces made in graphics, sculptural installation and text also examining balances of power in global and day-to-day contexts.

I also specialise in working creatively with learning disabled people and those on the Autistic spectrum. Having worked creatively within this community for 10 years, I understand learning disabled and neurodiverse individuals experience, process, and interpret the world in unique ways. These abilities, valued in professional artists, are fundamental to making remarkable contemporary art. I therefore enable, promote and present the work of LD artists via an inclusive studio and publication project.These projects facilitate artistic development and generate professional opportunities and autonomy for LD artists. I also lead as a freelancer on LD consultations and creative projects in the Contemporary Art sector at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art and Arcadea Disability Arts.

The Schtick

The Schtick - a series fanzines profiling the work of individual learning disabled artists.

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Outsider Exchanges

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I am an artist specialising in creative projects with Learning Disabled and neurologically diverse people. As a freelancer I offer visual art workshops schools, colleges and groups and undertake consultation in LD visual arts matters. My sessions are bespoke to the needs of participants, taking into account sensory preferences and can be negotiated with staff and students. I also have 4 years of experience as an art and media tutor in an LD Adult Learning setting.


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Inclusive mediums

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About LD Art Studio

The LD Art* Studio runs in the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne and is designed to develop, promote and present the work of learning disabled artists. This inclusive artists' studio project offers opportunities for inclusive creative development in a bespoke space. The project supports and generates professional activity for LD Artists enabling representation and inclusion in mainstream art settings. *working name

Richard Thomas

Richard creates numerous single-item drawings. He identifies and documents objects, often repeatedly in a bold and graphic style. The images are flat and distinct due his decision not to draw sharp corners, which are softened, or full circles which are squared off creating an retro gaming aesthetic. His work undertakes an extensive and ongoing process of classification that may reassure him of the conventions of a complicated world. He defines opposites, highlights language nuances, illustrates his daily routine and simplifies decision making, as well as presenting his interests in popular culture and wildlife.

Iain Bassett

Iain's bittersweet work evokes a world he grew up, in referencing retro television and media and mournful romantic possibilities illustrated via still life drawing. His distinct style combines text and images made up of carefully observed drawn and written lines conveying a gentle wit and humour.


With a style reminiscent of Edward Lear, Lisa creates menageries of real and imaginary animals. Her great love is sharks which you can see illustrated in sequence in her bold fanzine. She is also inspired by the characters and aesthetic of gaming creating implied action within fantastical worlds.

Connor Armstrong

Connor to conveys an idealised world prioritising sweet subject matter such as collections of dolls and characters from fairytales. His consistent, stylised approach adds to nature of this focus on the charming. It also echos preferred outlook on the world he inhabits. Connor's work, which is drawn and created in 3D model formats is thematic, often set in groupings of similar items. Every possible nuance is created within a category - giving the impression that no stone has been left unturned to document possibilities within a set strcture. prolific flat detail

Alex Morris

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Laura Fish

Laura creates heavily worked semi-abstract drawings in ink, biro and pencil. She works from life and still life recording forms and overlaying rhythm with purposeful repetition; as if emphasizing in order to communicate. Her style means that the smallest source object - a flower for example appears as a vast and intense landscape often with the appearance of a John Martin painting.

Jason Dunn

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Arcadea Disability Arts
2nd Floor
Commercial Union House
39 Pilgrim Street